Thursday, May 3, 2007

What is Workplace Mental Health?

Hello and welcome to my first official blog post on the topic of workplace mental health. This is my primary area of interest and I look forward to sharing ideas and thoughts on the topic. To begin with, what is workplace mental health? How do the circumstances in one's workplace affect their mental health? Why do adverse circumstances in the workplace affect some employees to the extent that their mental health suffers while others find similar situations challenging and even inspiring? Is it true that having a "best friend" or even just a camaraderie with coworkers increases job satisfaction and can be the difference in employee retention? How are employee retention and attrition indicative of the overall mental health level of a workplace? Can the mental health level of a workplace be measured, and if so, what do those metrics look like? To what extent does the employee bring their attitude to work versus having their working environment influence their attitude?

These are just some preliminary questions; I hope to attract some interested and knowledgeable visitors to exchange ideas with. Thanks for visiting!

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